Reactive Systems - Responsiveness

Posted on Mar 2, 2018

This article is the first of a series that I plan to write about Reactive Systems.

A brief analysis: it’s 2018 now, and we often read words like “react”, “reactive”, and similar. As if the word “reactive” itself was not ambiguous enough, someone even started baking frameworks naming them “react.js” - this is unfortunately completely unrelated to the concept of reactive systems as we conceive them.

Ambiguities aside, a few years ago a group of people decided that it was necessary to put together a few non-functional requirements they had learnt during their lives to be essential if you want to build good software - then they named this document the Reactive Manifesto.

Granted that I dislike manifestos, because they scream for attention and due to their PowerPoint-like nature they tend to be misunderstood and often overlooked, I have to admit that in this case, if you are truly, positively led by curiosity about what Reactive Systems are without preconceptions (oh, yet another manifesto, …), you will surely agree that Reactive is the correct term to be used here. I still wouldn’t have called it manifesto, though, and I wouldn’t have asked people to sign it - but these are personal preferences :)

So, this document - the manifesto - describes Reactive Systems as responsive, resilient, elastic and message-driven.

In this article I will focus primarily on the first principle: responsive.

What Does It Mean?

Responsive means that our systems need to respond in a timely manner to offer a smooth experience. What does timely mean? 1 second? 3 seconds? There are tons of non-academic studies showing that if your customers have to wait more than X seconds, then Y % of them will choose another competitor. This is of course only one of the measurements you might be interested to. You could be interested to when your brand new printer has to start processing the text, once it receives a new request. Is it OK to have the user of your service/product wait for 10 seconds? Maybe. Everything depends on the use case.

Why Is It So Difficult?

The challenge here implies dealing with real systems - stuff that needs to be maintained, deployed, reviewed, etc., not proof of concepts or your Sundays experiments. For example, in the following picture we can see what a real-world architecture based on micro-services (at Netflix) looks like:

Saying that your system is responsive means that you have been able to solve lots of the challenges that responsiveness brings along, not always easy to solve: legacy systems still needed, more micro-services than needed, network latency, performance overhead in the software and technologies used, code not optimized, software running on old hardware. This is all part of responsiveness.

Old Hardware? What…?

Before we get into more details, let me share a little observation: since the Cloud has taken off, I have noticed that we developers are less and less careful about the resources that our software needs.

Nowadays, we think in terms of CPU units, which translate differently according to the different cloud vendor (1 vCPU can be a full core or just a half, more or less - there are lots of comparisons between AWS/Azure/GCP out there). However, with these machines on demand, we barely know what processors they have! Who cares? Just give it a t2.large instance and that’s it. Server-less architectures increased even more this disconnection between developers and machines.

This is certainly part of a broader topic that involves costs optimization, resource consumption, and so forth, yet I consider it important, because it has an impact on responsiveness as well. If you use old machines, you may be disappointed.

What Is Responsiveness About?

Responsiveness has the noble goal of providing the best usability - it’s not fun to have to wait for 2 minutes to do something that we think could or should take less. Responsiveness has at its base foundation **reliability and **availability, and these all serve the goal of creating a valid SLA.

SLA: you may have in your contract that certain API calls will not respond in more than 10 seconds on average per day. By having numbers that define upper boundaries (how long should a response take?), we can quickly decide whether some event is exceptional and deserves attention - for example, last 10 requests took more than 5 seconds? If so, send an alert.

Availability: the famous 99.many-nines% that lots of cloud vendors offer. This simply measures the uptime/total-time, or the % of operable state of your service.

Reliability: often confused with availability, this is more related to stability and fault-tolerance. It measures how long a system performs its function (given an interval). For example, if the service is systematically down for 6 minutes per hour, its availability is 90%. However, its reliability is less than one hour, which could be way more interesting than the overall availability percentage.

A responsive system should be available and reliable, otherwise it can’t stay responsive. Even responding with an error is certainly better than not responding at all. Also, when we have numbers we can act on error conditions, we can offer guarantees, and we can sell a service that returns always something.

Why Responsiveness?

In fact, responsiveness is often perceived as an optimization “feature”, like security. The infamous misunderstanding of Donald Knut’s words “premature optimization is the root of all evil” didn’t help here.

Now, I love quality and I strongly believe it’s the main differentiator between multiple products - why to choose X instead of Y, W, and Z. I see also the value in trying to have stuff done, though. So, why don’t we implement from the ground up a mentality leading to high quality products? A mentality that doesn’t procrastinate, that is not lazy and that believes that the product under development will take off and will be successful. I see more and more often that due to this time to market madness, products lack a lot of non-functional features. Security, quick responses, usability, of course, depending on the domain.

For some reason, we tend to think that non functional requirements are useless. However, the fact that we have multiple search engines, multiple e-commerce, etc., should tell us that time to market is important, yes, but on long term what matters is also the set of non functional requirements. You can’t always think that your customers will use your products because you were the first. Eventually someone will do the same and better and add a non-functional feature to it, like security, which seems pretty important lately.

Responsiveness is also important, considering that most people are connected to the internet via a mobile, and when something is slow on a mobile phone, it looks twice as slow as on a laptop - probably due to the fact the focus is higher on the little screen.

Long story short: plan for responsiveness as early as possible in your product roadmap. Don’t procrastinate, trust developers and define a threshold with them - it can be as stupid as a simple “this call has to take up to X seconds”. Only if you have numbers you can brag about it, otherwise it’s pure speculation.

Reality Check - The Role of Technology

There is a sort of myth about responsiveness that tells us that one of the first steps to have responsive services is to choose a great technology. In fact, in the Web Services/SaaS world, it seems that those are often chosen by a trend. As if that wasn’t enough, there are tons of benchmarks online, like, that are often considered as a starting point to choose next framework or whatsoever.

Now, it’s stupidly simple to say my API is responsive, if all your API does is to return a canned response. No framework will disappoint you here, even some old CGI script is able to handle gazillion calls per minute on a modern machine. There are also benchmarks offering some “dynamic” features - like querying. Still, the question I ask myself is how relevant are those benchmarks for what we want to achieve?

I still believe it’s good to have such informative websites, because they give a rough idea about the computing power needed (which could decrease costs, like how big your EC2 instances have to be), yet we have to evaluate properly a technology before falling for it just because it’s in the top-10 fastest/quickest/<superlative-positive-adjective> technology. If you look at the charts on the website mentioned above, as of today, django is in deep troubles compared to almost any other technology out there. However, there are dozens of highly responsive websites using Django, for example instagram, Disqus, pinterest - you can find more here:

How Do We Achieve Responsiveness?

Having good technologies helps here. Same applies to good code, good design patterns, and so forth. However, if we are able to implement elasticity and **resilience **we are through.

Next article will focus on those two principles.